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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - require


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  1. требовать, приказывать he did all that was required of him —- он сделал все, что от него требовалось you are required to obey —- от вас требуют повиновения, вам приказывают повиноваться the court requires you to attend —- суд требует вашего присутствия to ask for tidiness is to require a great deal from a small child —- ожидать от маленького ребенка аккуратности - это значит предъявлять ему слишком высокие требования 2. нуждаться (в чем-л.), требовать (чего-л.) a garment that requires so much material —- платье, на которое требуется так много материала this plant requires plenty of water —- этому растению нужно много воды you will require a coat —- вам понадобится пальто have you got all you require? —- у вас есть все, что нужно (требуется)? the situation requires calmness —- ситуация требует спокойствия a verb that requires a preposition —- глагол, который требует предлога 3. испытывать необходимость (в чем-л.) one is not required to be a specialist to... —- не нужно (нет необходимости) быть специалистом, чтобы... as circumstances may require, as occasion shall require —- в случае необходимости, если потребуют обстоятельства if required —- в случае необходимости when required —- когда будет нужно ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  v.  1) приказывать, требовать; you are required to go there - вам приказано отправиться туда; You are required to obey.  2) нуждаться (в чем-л.); требовать (чего-л.); it requires careful consideration - это требует тщательного рассмотрения; Hard work will be required of students in this course. Syn: lack, need, want see demand Ant: get, possess ...
Англо-русский словарь
  гл. 1) требовать, настаивать на 2) требовать(ся) 3) нуждаться в чем-л. ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  нуждаться, требовать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  v.tr. 1 need; depend on for success or fulfilment (the work requires much patience). 2 lay down as an imperative (did all that was required by law). 3 command; instruct (a person etc.). 4 order; insist on (an action or measure). 5 (often foll. by of, from, or that + clause) demand (of or from a person) as a right. 6 wish to have (is there anything else you require?). Derivatives requirer n. requirement n. Etymology: ME f. OF requere ult. f. L requirere (as RE-, quaerere seek) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   verb  (~d; requiring)  Etymology: Middle English requeren, from Anglo-French requere, from Vulgar Latin *requaerere to seek for, need, ~, alteration of Latin ~re, from re- + quaerere to seek, ask  Date: 14th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to claim or ask for by right and authority  b. archaic request  2.  a. to call for as suitable or appropriate the occasion ~s formal dress  b. to demand as necessary or essential ; have a compelling need for all living beings ~ food  3. to impose a compulsion or command on ; compel  4. chiefly British to feel or be obliged — used with a following infinitive one does not ~ to be a specialist — Elizabeth Bowen  intransitive verb archaic ask  Synonyms: see demand ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (requires, requiring, required) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. If you require something or if something is required, you need it or it is necessary. (FORMAL) If you require further information, you should consult the registrar... This isn’t the kind of crisis that requires us to drop everything else... Some of the materials required for this technique may be difficult to obtain. VERB: V n, V n to-inf, V-ed 2. If a law or rule requires you to do something, you have to do it. (FORMAL) The rules also require employers to provide safety training... At least 35 manufacturers have flouted a law requiring prompt reporting of such malfunctions... The law now requires that parents serve on the committees that plan and evaluate school programs... Then he’ll know exactly what’s required of him. VERB: V n to-inf, V n, V that, be V-ed of n 3. If you say that something is required reading for a particular group of people, you mean that you think it is essential for them to read it because it will give them information which they should have. ...an important research study that should be required reading for every member of the cabinet. PHRASE: v-link PHR, oft PHR for n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~ v 1 if a problem, or situation requires particular action it makes it necessary  (It's a matter that requires very careful handling. | What's required is a complete reorganization of the system.) 2 to need something  (These plants require moist soil at all times.) 3 usually passive to officially demand that people do something, because of a law or rule  (require sb to do sth)  (You are required by law to wear seat belts.) + tha  (Regulations require that students attend at least 90% of the lectures.) the required standard/level/period etc  (You have not yet reached the required standard to pass grade .) 4 formal used to ask someone what they need  (Is there anything further you require, sir?) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  - c.1381, from O.Fr. requerre, from V.L. *requжrere, from L. requirere "seek to know, ask," from re- "repeatedly" + quжrere "ask, seek." The original sense of this word has been taken over by request. Sense of "demand (someone) to do (something)" is from 1751, via the notion of "to ask for imperatively, or as a right." ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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